The aim of the conference is to spread and discuss knowledge and information about the development of the Aral Sea disaster and motivate participants to strengthen efforts to improve and implement higher education with relevance for the improvement of the situation around the Aral Sea. The event is hosted by the Swedish Aral Sea Society and Karakalpak State University in Uzbekistan.
The objectives of the conference are to: (i) spread knowledge about the development of the Aral Sea Disaster, (ii) inform participants about the course 'Sustainable Development and Sustainability Science', (iii) bring in knowledge from other similar water related disasters, (iv) spread information about other initiatives for higher education for Sustainable Development, (v) increase the interest in higher education for Sustainable Development.
The conference takes place on Thursday 23 January 2025, online via Zoom. It will have a program of 4 hours duration, starting at 10.00 CET (14.00 Uzbek time) and finishing at 14.00 CET (18.00 Uzbek time).
If you are interested in participating send an email to